District 12 Corrections Committee

5/07/2000   Shoney's

Meeting Minutes

Sandra C.

Meeting opened at 2:10 PM. David L. started on Agenda.

1:Volunteer Attendance at Rutherford County Jail

.A: Punk R. elaborated on the commitment and how just because your name is on the list of Volunteers doesn't mean that you will be active and show up.Punk stated that there were 22 Male Volunteers.

B: Troy S. asked if there was a list of Volunteers. Some discussion ensued concerning list and volunteers. Punk R. stated that the list had been tried.

C:Gerald G. stated that he has no problems with getting the inmates to share. Gerald G. stated that he does what he does to get what he gets, (Sobriety).

C: David L. ask What are the reasons for lack of Commitment? 1: Fear- unable to deal with the slamming door? ect. Some discussion ensued.

2:Question was raised about required DRY Time for Volunteers.

A: It was determined that according to our Corrections Workbook from General Service Office it is suggested 1 year of continuous Sobriety. Also this Guideline was voted and accepted by District 12 Corrections Committee.

Some discussion ensued concerning the pros and cons of Dry Time.

Ganena A. read the guidelines from Corrections Workbook.

B: After some discussion Troy S. made a Motion.

Motion:(Establish a Guideline for District 12 Jail meeting attendance.) 1:Suggested 1 year guideline, exception being 6months continuous sobriety with sponsors approval and co-attendance, with limited involvement.

A: Volunteer cannot Chair Meeting

B: Volunteer cannot attend without Sponsor Co-Attendance until 1 year continuous Sobriety Guideline is met.

Sandra C. seconded the motion. Motion passed.

3: Literature was then discussed. Punk R. is working on getting more Books on the floors for the inmates.

4:Update Volunteer Phone List.

A:List to include Phone Numbers and Address's and E-mail   for the purpose of Future Contact and possible Newsletter .

5:Question was raised if we were seeing Released inmates in Local Meetings?

A:It was a definite YES

6:Discussion was Possibility of Release packets with local info on meetings and Pamphlets,Big Book,Temporary Contacts,ect.

A.It was decided to Table this until contact with Officials was made.

B:Ganena A Volunteered to get Pre-Release forms for Committee.

7:Cathy T. shared her viewpoints on AA behind the Bars.

8:It was brought up: Carrying my(personal) Message or the Message of Alcoholics Anonymous

9:We reiterated on Importance of Getting AA Literature to the Inmates.

Next Meeting: July 9,2000  Shoney's on Broad St.   2:00 P.M.

Ganena A. made a Motion to close Meeting, Seconded and passed.

Meeting Closed at 4:05 P.M.