Tennessee State Archives Area 64

Upcoming Events

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September 2-3, 2000 Pulaski Group Yard Sale
251 Water Street,
Pulaski, Tennessee

November 11, 2000 Pulaski Group Dance details will be announced soon

For more info E-mail

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Correctional Facilities Committee


Shoney's Inn

Gallatin, Tennessee

September 8,9,10,2000

Please inform hotel you are with A.A. Corrections

The panelist for this workshop is: Bob Kennington Administraitor for CCA Alcohol and Substance Abuse West Tennessee

Good Fun and Fellowship, Good Food, and best of all... you learn how to better carry the message behing the walls.

For Info contact: Sandy R. 413-282-0637

Please plan to attend and bring a Friend.

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District 12 Service Rally

When: September 16, 2000   10:00 A.M. Till ?

Where: Floating Mills Recreation Area

Center Hill Lake

Smithville, Tennessee

Family, Food, and Fun on Center Hill Lake

Eating at 12:00 Noon

Burgers and Hot Dogs furnished. Please bring a covered dish of your liking.

Speakers at 1:00 P.M.

AA Speaker: David P.

(Area 64 Delegate)

Al-Anon Speaker: Dinah W.

(Serenity Group)


Directions: From Murfreesboro take Hwy. 96 North to 70 East to Smithville- Take Hwy 56 North Approx. (9) miles turn left Floating Mills Recreation Area.

Go to stop sign and take right to shelters & swimming area.

Watch for signs.


From nashville take I-40 east to Smithville Exit #273 Hwy.56 south Approx. (3) miles turn right Floating mills Recreation Area

Go to stop sign and take right to shelters 7 swimming area.

Watch for Signs.

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Serenity Hill Campout


Friday: 8:00 PM Host Phyllis P. Covington Tn.

AA Speaker Cathy M., Frayser Tn.

Saturday: 2:00 PM Host Mark P., Jackson Tn.

AA Speaker Brian H., Jackson Tn.

4:00 PM Host Lisa P. Collerville, Tn

Al-Anon Speaker Maggi K., Jackson Tn

8:00 PM Host Bob L., Jamestown Tn

AA Speaker Mark M., Humbolt Tn

Sunday 10:00 AM Spiritual Meeting


Friday Night, Stew- Bring stew fixen's 2-3 PM

Saturday & Sunday Breakfast- Provided

Saturday Noon & 6:00 PM Whole Hog BBQ (Bring Dish)

Directions: Take I-40 to Exit #101 (HWY. 104)

Go South 2.8 Miles to Serenity Hill Sign on right.


Chairs,toiletries,drinks,ice,tents,sleeping bags, etc.

Friendship, Food & Fun

A Very Special Event. Yall Come!


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11th. Annual Serenity Hill Campground

Sept. 22,23,24

AA Speakers, Alanon Speaker


Friday Night Stew Bring Stew Fixins 2-3 PM

Saturday and Sunday Breakfast- Provided

Saturday Noon & 6 PM

Whole Hog BBQ  ( Bring A Dish )

Directions: Take I-40 to Exit 101 (hwy.104)

Go South 2.8 miles to Serenity Hill Sign on Right

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Come help us Celebrate Sobriety...

Eatin Speaker Dancin

When: Saturday, September 23, 2000

Where: Ruritan Building, Morrison, Tn.

Time: Eatin at 6:00 P.M.

Speakin at 7:30 P.M.

Dancin at 9:00 P.M.

Speaker: Nikki

Music: D.J. Mike Moretti (popular at AA dances in Area 64)

Cost: $3:00 person $5.00 couple

What To Bring: Covered Dish with your favorite food in it!

( Meat will be provided)

Sponsored By: McMinnville Area AA Groups


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Fifth Annual National Archives Workshop 2000

"Preserving the Last Millennium"

September 29,30,and October 1,2000

Sea Tac Holiday Inn, Seattle Wa.

For Information contact:




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4th Quarter Assembly

Hosted by District 14 & 15

A New Freedom

October 20th - 22nd, 2000

Riverview Inn

50 College Street - Clarksville, Tn 37040

Phone (931) 552-3331 Fax (931) 647-5005

For more information call Doug R. @ (931) 387-4801

Room Rates: $63.00 + tax per night, flat rate

Speaker: Sandy R.


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This page last updated 09/01/2000